Tuesday, May 15, 2012


     Comedy is one of the most important aspects of the modern world.  One great movie performing that comedy is The Other Guys starring Mark Walburg and Will Ferril.  In this film, two background cops, or "other guys", must solve a case concerning a multi millionair and a construction permit.  Without the support form the rest of the officers, the idiotic once pimp Will Ferril and wanna be bad ass Mark Walburg must solve the case on their own.
     This movie, in m opinion, is one of the funniest movies that I own.  Its the type of good stupid humor that you don't have to think about.  The acting at some parts could be better, but the story line was terrific.  I would not reccoment this to someone under 13 for the fact of many innapropriate jokes and sexual themes.  There is also bad language.  Parents, just look at the rating, seriously.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


      On this date in history I, Mr. Awesome, had the privilege of seeing Marvel's The Avengers, starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, and Chris Hemsworth.  This movie, as many of you are aware, is about Nick Furry (Samuel Jackson) forms a team of superheros from multiple Marvel movies to stop the evil force of Loki and his army from world destruction.  First of all, I don't see how Thor could have not seen that Loki was bad, if you look in a children's book of those types of gods it just flat our says "Loki, god of mischief". Really?! But whatever.
     This movie had almost every aspect of a movie someone could want, action, humor, and there is even one romantic scene for the ladies. I had heard that this was one of the best movies you will ever see, I didn't believe anyone because that's what I heard about Transformers 2 and that movie was pretty bad. May I just say, I should have listened to them. The Avengers was one of the best movies I have scene in the theaters. I strongly recommend spending the 10 bucks to see this movie. There are many violent scenes throughout and depending on things, the theater can get pretty damn loud, especially when the hulk jumps out and screams. The movie is PG-13 for a reason people. Enjoy.